Shopping Center Owners/ Retail Outlets
Our partnership program is a risk free opportunity for qualified shopping centers and retail outlets. Qualified establishments will profit from our volume of transactions. Our partnership program will increase foot traffic, sales, and cash-flow by providing an on site ATM. With the ability to provide instant cash for your customers, you will increase cash sales, lower your credit card fees, all while generating a valuable income stream..

Hotels/ Lodging
By placing an ATM machine in your Lodging facility you will earn income on our dollar. We will finance your cash needy patrons and make you a profit at the same time. On site ATM’s will increase their sales inside your establishment, satisfy their financial needs and provide qualified partners with another revenue generating stream.

Entertainment Facilities
Night Clubs, Movie Theaters, Game Rooms, Family Entertainment Centers, continue to benefit from our partnership program. Having an ATM at your location will increase sales and keep your patrons happy.
Restaurants, bring customers to your establishment by offering quick and easy access to their cash. Customers no longer have to make a special stop before they reach your business. Make more money by providing our cash to your customers.

Gas/ Convenience
Customers will no longer drive by your location to another store or bank to access their cash needs. Once a prospective customer drives by your store they won't turn back. Make your location more profitable by placing an ATM in your establishment

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