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No-Fee Processing
We don't charge you any fees for processing, terminal access, network access, or monthly statements for your ATM. You receive 100% of your Surcharge Income with no mysterious deductions that other companies like to charge. With maximum network coverage, from VISA and MasterCard, to Star and Cirrus, whatever the card, we provide your customers with the capability to withdraw cash from your ATM, all day, every day, at no extra charge to you. Call us today and let us show you how you can make more money with your ATM by processing with us.

Free Web Reporting
We offer real-time web reporting for your ATM where you can see a transaction that has just happened or you can run a set of reports, such as a report that might show last month's activity. If you manage multiple terminals, our reporting system will help you quickly find stats for all of your ATMs or you can easily locate one transaction on one particular ATM.

Free 24-hour Technical Support
We know that 85-90% of all ATM malfunctions can be fixed over the phone, eliminating unneeded and expensive service calls. We provide on-call technicians 24-hours a day to help you maximize your uptime and, in turn, your profits. Our 800 number keeps you in touch with experienced and knowledgeable technicians that provide the best support coupled with the best customer service.

We have competitive lease rates that are among the lowest in the industry. We work with many different lenders to bring you some of the best options for funding your ATM needs.

Install & Repair
Whatever, Wherever - we can provide technicians to install or repair your ATM. We offer competitive rates and can have your ATM back on-line with minimal disruption of service. We work on all types of ATMs through our nationwide network of technicians. If you are having problems with your ATM you are not making money!

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